Pick it Up

Music Notes:
Niles rips these vocals with his powerful voice. The guitar solos were inspired by a childhood neighbor; the accomplished and talented Teddy Kumpel (Joe, Jackson, Nome Sane, et al). I stumbled across an old jam with Teddy and me on my old Tascam Syncaset. The synth sound behind the guitar solos was produced with the Fishman TriplePlay MIDI pickup feeding a Novation MiniNova.
Rick Derringer, Joe Walsh, Teddy Kumpel, Gabriel.
Gabriel was a guitar player I met at Berklee that had very long fingers that gave him the capability to play two positions of a scale in the same phrase. His technique created a lot of double notes and interesting melodies. The lyrics were inspired by the incomparable Walt Clyde Frazier, a poet in his own right.